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WinRxBatchScan is a software package interfaced with Applied Robotics WinRx which facilitates batch scanning and electronic storage of documents, and helps ensure against data deficiencies that lead to audit repercussions. This software was developed in response to the BC College of Pharmacists bylaw amendments to remove requirements for paper records.

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Batch Scanning Process Summary

  • Barcodes are printed on WinRx labels and forms. 
  • Barcode stickers from prescription labels are placed onto hard copies (there can be multiple barcodes attached to the same page).
  • Pages and forms with barcodes on them are loaded into the scanner and batch scanned as a PDF.
  • The WinRxBatchScan program checks for new PDFs to process and imports the records into WinRx and copies the PDF pages to the WinRx PDF folder.


  • WinRx installed.
  • Scanner installed along with manufacturer's scanning software installed.
  • Scanner must be capable of batch scanning, 300 dpi resolution and saving output in PDF format to a specified folder location.
  • PDF viewer installed (e.g. Adobe Acrobat)
  • Monitor capable of 1920x1080 resolution or higher recommended
  • Backup system


WinRxBatchScan is $60/month (CAD plus applicable taxes) invoiced annually which includes software, install and setup, program updates and support. For sites that have already purchased the regular WinRx scanning module there will be a three month discount on the first invoice.


If you already have the requirements in place and would like to try it out, contact to request a 30 day free trial period.


Since the PDF documents will be stored on your local hard drive you will need to set up a backup system to ensure all your files are backed up in compliance with the College's bylaw changes regarding electronic storage of records. See here and here.

There are different options available for this such as cloud-based backup systems, removable hard drives and Network Attached Storage. You may want to combine one or more of these systems to add an extra level of redundancy. You should consult with your computer tech about setting up a backup system that works best for you.

Applied Robotics has also recently developed it's own cloud backup system that is now available for WinRx customers. You can find our more about that here:

A Network Attached Storage (NAS) device is a standalone storage unit that is connected to your local network. This type of system is typically faster than cloud-based backups, but the data is stored on site so it is still potentially vulnerable to theft or disaster. Here is one example of a NAS device that is designed to be somewhat disaster-proof (ioSafe).

If you choose to go with a cloud-based backup system you will need to ensure that the system is compliant with applicable Privacy Laws. PharmaNet data is subject to B.C.’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Therefore, any information in PharmaNet or obtained from PharmaNet must be accessed, disclosed and stored in Canada. For more information on this and a list of some of these backup providers have a look at the articles here and here.

Feature Updates


Append Option

There is a new option for "If Scan Already Exists". When set to "append", it will add the scan to the existing scan. When you have more than one scan appended, you can arrange the display order of the scans by clicking the "view written rx" button in WinRx and then the "scans edit" button.

Previous Feature Updates

Duplex Mode

In standard mode each page is processed separately. Now there is a "Duplex Mode" option to capture the front and back page of a scan together.

For "Duplex Mode" it will pair the pages together from the batch scan. E.g. page 1 and 2 will be joined together, then page 3 and 4, etc. This means as long as there is at least one barcode on the front or back page it will still process.

* When using duplex mode, make sure blank page detection is turned off on your scanning software and duplex scanning is turned on. If you don't want to use these options, just leave them unchecked in Settings.

Extra Barcode on Address Label

If you are using thermal labels and have the address label enabled in the Location > Extra Label settings, you can set a default extra barcode that will print on the address label on each fill.

Open WinRx and go to WinAudit > Type Codes. From there you can create a 4 letter code and then "set as default" will make it print on each address label. These barcodes will attach the document to the Documents section of the prescription in WinRx.

Attach Scan as Document to Tagged Prescriptions

This is an update to the regular scan module that allows you to attach a scan as a Document to multiple tagged prescriptions:

  • Edit the patient and view prescription profile (F3 or F7)
  • Tag rxs using F6
  • Click "Documents"
  • Enter document type and click "Scan New Document"
  • Do the scan and close and escape out of the scan module
  • After that you will receive a prompt to attach the scan as a prescription document to the selected prescriptions

The WinRxBatchScan Program

WinRxBatchScan will be installed on the WinRx server computer and stay running in the background. It can also be added to the Windows startup folder so that it will run automatically after restarting the comptuer.

  • WinRxBatchScan will check the specified "Batch Scan Input Folder" at the specified interval for new files to process. 
  • When it processes a file it separates the pages and reads each page for barcodes. 
  • Any pages where no barcodes are detected will be copied to the specified Scan Review folder. 
  • The files in the review folder can be manually processed using the WinAudit program (see below). 

Other than the initial setup of WinRxBatchScan you shouldn't need to do anything with the program as it is otherwise automated. There are some additional features in the program which are mainly used for troubleshooting, and you can view the logs and scans of what has been processed.

Types Of WinRx Label Barcodes

Prescription Barcode

This barcode number starts with the letter “R” followed by the prescription number and location code. A document with this barcode on it will be attached to the matching prescription record in WinRx. To view the document in WinRx, edit the prescription and click the “view written rx” button.


Signature Barcode

This barcode is printed on the accountability/compliance/signature label on all new and refill prescriptions. A document with this barcode on it will be attached to the refill/transaction record of the prescription. To view in WinRx, edit the prescription and hit F3 to view transactions. Select the transaction and click the “signature log” button.

Narcotic Barcode

This label/barcode will print when you fill a narcotic prescription. To view in WinRx, edit the prescription and hit F3 to view transactions. Select the transaction and click the “narcotic log” button.

Consult Barcode

This barcode number starts with the letter “C” followed by the transaction number. To view in WinRx, edit the prescription and hit F3 to view transactions. Select the transaction and click the "consult log” button. The consult label/barcode is optional and not needed if using the signature label for consult check.

Hold Barcode

This barcode will print when you enter a logged/derferred prescription. It can be viewed in WinRx when you edit the prescription and click “documents".

Short Barcode

This barcode will print when you print a short order label. It can be viewed in WinRx when you edit the prescription and click “documents".

User Defined Barcodes

In the patient profile and the edit prescription screens you can click the "barcode" button and enter a 4 character document type (letters only, no numbers) to print a user defined barcode. Processed pages from these barcodes can be viewed by clicking the "documents" button and will appear under the document type that was entered. The barcode printer and label type must be set in WinRx in Browse > System > F2.

Multi Page Barcodes

Select the "multi page" option to if you wish to attach a multi page document in the batch scan. When this option is checked it will print two barcodes, one starting with "FP" for first page, and "LP" for last page. Stick the FP barcode to the first page and
LP barcode to the last page and when it is processed it will be saved as one multi page PDF. Please note, it is important that these pages are fed into the scanner in the correct order (i.e. first page is scanned first) otherwise it won't work properly.

New/Refill Report

The New/Refill report will generate barcodes for each prescription transaction in the given date range. These work the same way as the Signature Barcodes (see above).

Types Of WinRx Form Barcodes
Prescription Form Barcodes

Some prescription forms in WinRx will print with a barcode. These include:

  • Adaptation Form (ADAP)
  • Consent For Injection Form (INOC)
  • Smoking Cessation Form (SMOK)
  • Compounding Worksheet (CMPD)
  • Travel Declaration Form (TRAV)

Patient Form Barcodes

Some patient forms in WinRx will print with a barcode. These include:

  • Med Review BPMH (REVU)
  • Frequent Dispensing Form (FREQ)

Viewing Documents

When these forms are processed with WinRxBatchScan they can be vewed by clicking the "documents" button in the edit prescription screen or patient profile.

The WinAudit Program


After all thescans are processed for the day you can open the WinAudit shortcut on your desktop. Sign in using your WinRx user name and password. Select your date range and options and click “Run Reports”. The report will show which prescriptions and transactions have not been scanned into WinRx yet.

Process Scan Errors

  • In WinAudit click on "Process Scan Errors".
  • Any pages where no barcodes could be read will appear here. This could be because of a scanning or printing issue that caused the barcode to be distorted on not readable.
  • Click on the items in the list to view the scanned pages.
  • For pages that are not applicable click on "Remove file from error list".
  • For pages that need to be linked manually, enter the barcode and click "record new addition".
    • The same page can be linked to multiple barcodes. 
    • Once all barcodes for the file are added click "Remove file from error list".

Batch Scanning System Overview

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